TBC (Time Base CorrecteO ON or OFF
_,i,'_h TBC specif, e<:f ON, you can suppress fi sctuafions o distort;o _, o c ire h_a 7"0) ©ocut ,vhen toloe_
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Nobs: In some (€sos fi ct(a io-s c[<;sbNor t;
oich ge ocffiNo_ be st ipp[_s@ci @v@itWhen ¸'TBC
ON" hc's been spedf ed
Note: Depe _dir 9 or e o©@ ksed, >ioy)ook
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ON' s©ecfied n t;,s case, s,qee Iv "1C 0
Attaching a Wide or Yele Converter Lens
q_i,,w hc L,_-. rl;_o ibc t _'.'.'ad'> _i:'_the _._mlo_-d."_
]e[]5 i_5se r_f_S.
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ov_)r e es, i'_t" O.'r COt ets of }/o }oidt; w',
be _ ssrt8 f_ te _¢dbqn!20 posifio_ Lse
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