1 - Belt Assembly
14 - 3/4” x 2 1/16” CRS
16 - Clamp
20 - Cam Belt 74” x 15/16” x 1/8”
22 - 1 1/2” Dia. Delrin Stop
35 - 1 5/8” x 2 1/16” lg DOM
Part Descriptions
C - 1/2” x 1” Flat Head Cap Screw
F - 1/4” x 1” Button Head Screw
M - 3/8” x 3/4” Button Head Screw
Q - 3/8” Flat Washer
R - 3/8” Lock Washer
S - 1/4” Lock Washer
Z - 1/4-20 x 1 1/2” Socket Head Screw
AS - 3 1/4” Pulley
AY - 1/4” Lock Nut
Hardware Descriptions
In this step start by attaching the Belt Assembly to the Weight
Assembly(prior to attaching the Cam Belt). Next slide the Cam Belt
through the Roller Bracket on the top of the Weight Cage. Then use a
Seat Clamp On tool to secure the two 3 1/4” Pulleys to the
under the Cam Belt.
bolts.Wrench tighten
Weight Cage
Slide the Cam Belt into the top slot of 1 5/8” Dia. x 2
1/16” Lg. Dom. (Fig. 1) Loop the end of the Cam Belt and feed it back up
through the slot, keeping the loop open. (Fig 2) Next, slide the 3/4” x 2
1/16 CRS through the Cam belt and line up the holes, then secure to the 1
5/8” Dia. X 2 1/16” Lg. Dom.(Fig. 3). ttaching the Cam Stopper to the
Cam Assembly. Next, attach the belt by bringing it around the Cam and in
between the Belt Clamps. Then wrap the cam belt down and around the
Belt Clamps and above another Belt clamp and secure all the Clamps
Step 2d
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