
Appendix D
Actuation Force- The maximum force measured prior to or including the point at which keypad contact
closure is achieved.
Alodine- A chemical conversion process that oxidizes aluminum to form a non-porous aluminum oxide.
Referred to as “poor-man’s anodizing” because it is less costly and not as durable as anodizing.
Anodize- Electro-chemical oxidation of aluminum to form aluminum oxide with a porous nature. The
anodized layer can be durably colored and is non-conductive, non-corrosive and resistant to abrasion.
Arcing- Discharge of electricity (a spark) that can occur when contacts are opened or closed. Arcing can
degrade or burn contacts, reducing useful life.
Backlighting- A flexible layer within a membrane switch construction that illuminates select areas of the
overlay, such as text or graphic symbols. Examples of backlighting methods are E.L. (electroluminescent)
or fiber optic.
Circuit- Functioning component (sub-layer) of a membrane switch. Typically made of a silver conductive ink
printed on polyester. Also can be a flexible copper circuit, a PCB or polyester printed with other conductive
Contact Bounce- (Make) – Point at which specified resistance is achieved.
Dead Front- Printing translucent ink in an area so that the graphic is visible only when backlit.
Density- The degree to which light transmits through a color or transparent window. The higher the density,
the less light will be transmitted.
Dielectric Strength- The voltage that an insulating material can withstand before breakdown occurs, usually
expressed as a voltage gradient (such as volts per mil.)
E.M.I. (also R.F.I)- Electromagnetic Interference (Radio Frequency Interference.) Radiated energy from
electrical devices, lightning and similar sources which interferes with the proper operation of electronic
E.S.D.- Electrostatic Discharge – transfer of high potential electrical charge between objects by contact or
through air.
Files- Information or documentation created electronically by computer.
Font- A set of characters having a unified design.
Gloss Level- The degree of shininess of a particular material, usually specified in percentages such as 75%
gloss, 90% gloss, and so forth.
Halftone- Image made of a pattern of various size and shape dots (newspaper photograph) rather than
continuous gray.
Image-Setting- The process by which electronic files are transferred to film or paper directly from the
computer (computer onto film technology.)
L.E.D.- Light Emitting Diode.
Membrane Switch- A momentary switching device in which at least one contact is made of a flexible
Moisture Resistance- Ability of a material to repel moisture either from air or when subjected to water.
Non-Tactile Switch- A switch assembly that has a tactile ratio equal to zero.