4 - 10
In-Stand Sensor Mode
This feature senses when the scanner is removed from the stand and tells it to
begin manual triggering. When Sensor On is enabled, the scanner defaults to
Streaming Presentation Mode when it is in the stand, and to Manual Trigger
Mode when it is removed from the stand.
Default = Sensor On.
Note: If you are taking images (see Imaging Commands beginning on page 8-
1), you must set the In-Stand Sensor to Off.
You may program a Streaming Presentation Mode (Normal, Enhanced, or
Mobile Phone) you wish to use for in-stand scanning, and a Manual Trigger
mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for out-of-stand
scanning. To do this, you must first scan the preferred Streaming Presentation
mode (see below), then scan the Manual Trigger mode (see page 4-6 and page
4-11) you want to use.
Streaming Presentation
When in Streaming Presentation mode, the scanner’s aimer goes out after a
short time, but the scan illumination remains on all the time to continuously
search for bar codes. Two modes are available, Normal and Enhanced. Nor-
mal mode offers good scan speed and the longest working ranges (depth of
field). Enhanced mode will give you the highest possible scan speed but
slightly less range than Normal mode. Enhanced mode is best used when you
require a very fast scan speed and don’t require a long working range.
When using Preferred Symbology (page 4-17), a lower priority symbol must be
centered on the aiming pattern to be read in Streaming Presentation Mode.
Streaming Presentation Mode
- Normal
Streaming Presentation Mode
- Enhanced