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Glossary (cont’d)
CHIME FEATURE: An optional feature that causes the keypad to chime for
1 second when selected doors are opened when the burglary protection is off
or disarmed. Once programmed by your installer, you can turn Chime on and
off by pressing [#], [6].
DURESS: Duress is a system feature that you may have programmed into
your system. If someone should force you to disarm your system, you would
use the special Duress User Code. This code disarms the system and sends a
silent duress emergency signal to the central station so personnel can
respond appropriately.
ENTRY DELAY: The period of time allowed between opening a designated
entry/exit door and disarming the alarm system before the system registers
an alarm condition. This time is determined at the time of installation. Your
system supports two entry times, allowing you to have a different length of
time for different doors.
EXIT DELAY: The period of time allowed between arming the system and
leaving through a designated exit/entry door. This is determined at the time
of installation.
INTERIOR ZONE: A group of points that protects the interior of your
premises. You may want to arm the perimeter portion of your system while
leaving the interior zones disarmed, allowing you to move freely inside,
opening interior doors and passing by motion detectors without causing an
KEYPAD: A keypad is your link to your system. It displays alarm and
trouble messages, shows faulted zones, and allows you to arm and disarm the
system by using the keys. Your system has one or more keypads.
PANIC BUTTON: A pushbutton that allows you to signal the central
station that you need immediate assistance. Your system has programmable
Keypad Send Help Alerts that can also serve as Panic buttons.
PERIMETER ZONE: A group of points that protects the exterior of your
premises such as your outside doors and windows.