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API Function Descriptions
The following is an alphabetic listing of each API function with its complete description and a prototype for each function. All API
functions (with the exception of hhpEngineConnected (page 2-4) return a result code of type Result_t. See Error Codes on page
3-1 for the result code values.
This function causes the imager to capture an image and transfer it to the host. Values to be used from the structures are
specified by setting the appropriate bit mask for each item in the structure’s mask member.
BOOL bWait
Parameter Description
pImg Pointer to an HHP_IMAGE structure if bWait is TRUE. If bWait is FALSE, the parameter
is ignored and should be NULL.
pImgTrans Optional pointer to an HHP_IMAGE_TRANSFER structure. This structure overrides (just
for this call) the current imager configuration, and specifies the pixel subsample, cropping
rectangle, transfer compression type, compression factor (for JPEG lossy transfer), and
progress notification method. If this parameter is NULL, the current imager configuration
settings are used except for the progress notification methods that must be specified for
each call if notification is desired.
pImgAcqu Optional pointer to an HHP_IMAGE_ACQUISITION structure. This structure overrides
(just for this call) the current imager configuration, to specify and configure the image
capture method (type of autoexposure control or manual mode). If this parameter is NULL,
the current imager configuration settings are used.
bWait If TRUE, do not return until the image is received or an error occurs. If FALSE, return
immediately. One of the event notification methods must be enabled to receive notification
on completion. (See hhpSetAsyncMethods on page 2-10.)
The location of the window of interest must be provided in units of minimum barcode widths. This allows the imager to grab the
same physical window, no matter how far the imager is from the page. The resultant image window is always squared with the
X and Y axis of the returned image, so even if the barcode page is rotated relative to the imager, the resultant image appears
square to the image edges.
There is only one intelligent image call that supports both synchronous and asynchronous capture. If synchronous capture is
used, all members of this structure must be valid. If asynchronous capture is used, you will receive
HHP_INTELIMG_BARCODE_EVENT for the barcode data, and HHP_INTELIMG_IMAGE_EVENT for the image data. The
barcode data is returned in a normal barcode structure (HHP_DECODE_MSG), while the intelligent image data is returned in an
HPP_IMAGE structure.
Note: Since the HHP_INTEL_IMG structure requires that image offsets and size be specified in barcode units, the
HHP_INTEL_IMG structure has a size member that allows you to specify (in pixels) the maximum allowable width and
height for the returned image.
DWORD dwTimeout,
BOOL bWait