22 December 1999
CSPL0109K-2.DOC Page 2 of 5
7. The engine(s) must be returned at a minimum in the same general overall condition as
received at the beginning of the lease period. This includes all bills of material
hardware, components, and accessories present and properly installed and/or attached
to the engine in accordance with the published Honeywell engine manual or Airframe
Manufacturer’s Maintenance Manual (AMM).
8. Whenever operationally possible, use flexible thrust take-off procedures.
Operator must incorporate or allow access for incorporation of any
airworthiness directive, mandatory Service Bulletin or any
recommended Service Bulletin that Honeywell requests be
incorporated in these engines.
This Policy Letter is binding to the operator and may be updated
without notice at any time by Honeywell. Any escalation of task
frequencies may be allowed only with local regulatory agency
approval and prior written permission by Honeywell.
9. Complete and return Post Lease/Consignment guidelines (attached) at the termination
of engine usage, prior to the engines’ return to Honeywell.
To obtain satisfactory results, procedures in this publication must be
accomplished in accordance with accept industry maintenance
practices and prevailing government regulations. Honeywell is not
responsible for the quality of work performed in complying with this
publication unless Honeywell performs such work. Such
responsibility rests with the entity performing the work and the