
Owner’s Manual
Remove your old thermostat
TTuurrnn ooffff ppoowweerr
at heating/cooling system (or fuse/circuit-breaker panel).
2 Remove cover and thermostat, but leave wallplate with wires attached.
Old thermostat
Leave wallplate in place Is there a sealed tube containing mercury?
If so, see mer
cury notice below.
MERCURY NOTICE: Do not place your old thermostat in the trash if it contains
mercury in a sealed tube. Contact your local waste management authority for
instructions regarding recycling and proper disposal.
Did you purchase right thermostat? Count wires to check.
Count the number of wires coming out of the wall and attached to terminals in
your old thermostat. If any of them are attached to a terminal marked “C” or “C1”
do not count that wire in your total.
If the total (not counting C or C1) is 2 wires, proceed to the next page. If you have
3 or more wires, your new thermostat may not be compatible with your system.
Stop installation and call 1-800-468-1502 for advice.
Do you have 3 or more wires? If so, stop now.
You may have purchased the wrong replace-
ment thermostat.