69-1532—2 6
Replacing a Clock Thermostat that has C or C1 Clock Terminals
When replacing a Honeywell Chronotherm®
Thermostat, you may find one or two wires going to the C or C1 clock
terminals on the Chronotherm wiring wallplate. Do not allow them to touch, or you can damage the transformer.
Disconnect the wires and wrap them separately using electrical tape. Do not wrap them together. Place the wires
where they will not interfere with the operation of the new thermostat. Record the colors and terminal designation
labels of the remaining wires.
Replacing a Thermostat that has Six or More Wires
If there are six or more wires (excluding clock wires attached to terminals), you probably have a variation of a
multistage heat pump or other multistage system. This thermostat is not compatible with multistage systems, so return
the product to the place of purchase. For information about which programmable thermostats will work with your
system, call Honeywell Customer Care at 1-800-468-1502.
Replacing a Thermostat that has Three Wires
If you have three wires for a heating only system and can operate the fan using the fan On switch this thermostat works
with your system. However, some hot water (zoned) heating systems also have three wires. Your thermostat will work
only if you install an isolating relay on these systems. For details, call your local heating and/or cooling contractor.
❑ Separate wallplate from thermostat by placing your thumbs between bottom of wallplate
and thermostat and pulling wallplate up and away from thermostat. See illustration.
❑ Position wallplate on wall. Level wallplate
for appearance, if desired. Use a pencil to mark
two mounting holes that best fit the application.
❑ Remove wallplate from wall. Drill two 3/16 in.
holes in wall (if drywall) as shown.
For plaster or wood, drill 7/32 in. holes as
marked. Gently tap (provided) anchors into
drilled holes until flush with wall.
❑ Reposition wallplate over holes. Pull wires
through wiring opening. Loosely insert mounting
screws into each of the holes.
❑ Level wallplate, if desired. Thermostat
functions correctly, even when not level.
❑ Tighten mounting screws.