How often is cleaning required?
The ifD
filter reset light will illuminate to indicate that the ifD
filter should be cleaned. We
recommend cleaning the filter about once a month depending on the air quality of the room.
I just cleaned my filter but the filter indicator is still showing it is dirty, what’s wrong?
Each time you clean your filter you must reset the filter clean monitor. It is a timer driven monitor to
be used as a guideline, but does not represent the actual amount of dirt in the ifD
filter. With the unit
running, press and hold the filter reset button for up to 10 seconds and when you let go, the filter clean
monitor should be reset.
Is my Air Purifier considered an ozone generator?
No. Ozone generators produce large amounts of ozone as the primary way to clean the air. The EPA
does not endorse these products because they can cause ozone related health problems. The air
purifier does not use ozone as the primary method to clean the air. It cleans the air by using ifD
technology (Intense Field Dielectric) which only generates trace amounts of ozone, substantially below
the limits established by the EPA and FDA.
• Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the external surfaces of the air purifier. DO NOT USE WATER, GASOLINE,
• The ifD
filter and pre-filter should be cleaned at least once every three months, or sooner depending
on the air quality of the room (See “Removing/Cleaning the ifD
Filter” or “Cleaning the Pre-Filter”
NOTE: If you smoke, burn candles or oil lamps in your home, it is recommended that you wash your filter
more frequently. When burned in an enclosed space, candles and oil lamps have a tendency to introduce
soot into the air.
To order a replacement pre-filter, call us at 1-800-477-0457.
The ionizing process used by the air purifier produces small amounts of ozone as a byproduct. The air purifier complies
with U.S. Government limits for acceptable levels of ozone (less than 50 parts per billion by volume of air circulating
through the product).
People that are extremely sensitive to any ozone emitting products, even trace
amounts, should only use True HEPA air purification products.
This product has been California ARB certified to comply with federal ozone emission limits.