– 19 –
Disarming the System
Use the OFF key to disarm the system and to silence alarm and trouble sounds. See the SUMMARY
OF AUDIBLE NOTIFICATION section for information, which will help you to distinguish between fire
and burglary alarm sounds.
IMPORTANT: If you return and the main burglary sounder is on, DO NOT enter the premises, but
call the police from a nearby safe location. If you return after an alarm has occurred and the main
sounder has shut itself off, the keypad will beep rapidly upon entering. This indicates that an alarm
has occurred during your absence and an intruder may still be on the premises. LEAVE
IMMEDIATELY and CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location.
To disarm the system and silence burglary alarms: + OFF
Your user code
During alarm conditions and the entry delay, the alarm panel will disarm as soon as the correct user
code is entered on the keypad. The entry beeps or alarm sound can be silenced by pressing any key
however, it will restart in 10 seconds if the correct User Code is not entered.
The READY indicator will light (if no alarms have occurred while armed) and the keypad will beep once
to confirm that the system is disarmed.
Memory of Alarm
If an alarm occurs, the keypad displays the zone number (s) that caused the alarm and the type of
alarm (e.g., “FIRE ALARM”). These messages remain displayed until cleared by a user.
To clear the display, note the zone number displayed and enter an OFF sequence (enter your security
code and press the
OFF key).
If the READY indicator is blinking, go to the displayed zone and correct the fault (close windows, etc.).
If the fault cannot be corrected, notify your alarm company.