Programming Master Programming Level
52 MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007
Pressing the down arrow key displays additional zone types as indicated in the following table.
While viewing any Zone Type screen, select the type of zone being programmed by pressing the
corresponding keyboard number key. The display will return to Edit Input Zone Screen #2 and
indicate the selection next to the Type option.
Table 3.1 Zone Types
Zone Type Action When Activated
Pull-Station Fire Alarm
Manual Release
Table Footnote
1. Activation of a Manual Release Switch will override Predischarge Delay,
resulting in an immediate water release.
Fire Alarm
Normally Open Contact Fire
Waterflow Fire
Waterflow NS (nonsilenceable) Fire, nonsilenceable
Combo Fire/Supervisory
Combo w/AutoResettable Superv
2. AutoResettable means that a device with this type code, when activated, will
automatically reset when the corresponding condition is cleared.
Fire/Supervisory, nonlatching
2-Wire Smoke Fire Alarm
2-Wire Heat Fire Alarm
Linear Heat Fire Alarm
Fire Fire Alarm
Low Pressure Supervisory, latching
Low Pressure AutoResettable
Supervisory, nonlatching
High Pressure Supervisory
High Pressure AutoResettable
Supervisory, nonlatching
Disable Release
3. Disable Release allows the installer to disable the releasing solenoids during
system testing. Disable Release will only work when the system is not in alarm.
Supervisory, nonlatching (disables Release Circuits)
Supervisory Supervisory, latching
Supervisory AutoResettable
Supervisory, nonlatching
2nd-Shot Water Switch
4. The 2nd-Shot Water Switch provides the option of performing another immediate
water release manually. Refer to "2nd-Shot Water Switch" on page 90.
Fire Alarm, nonlatching