66 MS-9600LS Series Manual — P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010
Programming Master Programming Level
3.6.1 Autoprogram
Pressing 1 while viewing Programming Screen #1, will select the Autoprogram option, which
prompts the control panel to poll all devices installed on one or both SLC loops. The primary pur-
pose of autoprogramming is to allow the installer a fast and easy way to bring the system on-line as
quickly as possible. The first time the system is powered-up, it should be autoprogrammed.
If the system is already programmed and Autoprogram is initiated, the system will only add default
values for newly installed devices.
When Autoprogram is selected, the programmer is given the option of autoprogramming all loops,
only loop 1 or only loop 2. The following will be displayed on the LCD:
After selecting one of the Autoprogram options, the control panel will begin autoprogramming the
system by communicating with each addressable device installed on one or both loops. While auto-
programming, the panel will display the following:
When Autoprogramming is completed, the control panel will display the type and quantity of each
device installed on the SLC loop(s) similar to the following display:
In the preceding example, the first display indicates that Loop 1 has 55 addressable detectors, 35
monitor modules and 30 control modules installed. The second display indicates that Loop 2 has
no devices installed.
Programming Screen #1
1=LOOP 1
2=LOOP 2
Autoprogram Loop Select Screen
Autoprogram Progress Screen
# OF DET LOOP1 055
# OF MON LOOP1 035
# OF CON LOOP1 030
# OF DET LOOP2 000
# OF MON LOOP2 000
# OF CON LOOP2 000
Autoprogram Result Screen #1
Autoprogram Result Screen #2