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The specifications given in this publication do not
include normal manufacturing tolerances; therefore,
an individual unit might not exactly match the listed
specifications. Also, this product is tested and cali-
brated under closely controlled conditions, and some
minor differences in performance can be expected if
those conditions are changed.
The PC8900A Comfort Center™ Control Panel mounts in the
living space and accurately measures and controls room
temperature and humidity. The W8900A-C Remote Module
provides a wiring panel and switching for the Perfect Climate
Comfort Center™ Control System. See Table 1.
System Components and Accessories (See Fig. 1):
C7089A1002 Outdoor Sensor: Used to measure outdoor tem-
C7100A1015 Discharge Air Sensor: Used to sense tempera-
ture in discharge or return air.
C7189A1001 Remote Indoor Sensor: Used for remote sensor
CM8900A1009 Communication Module: Used for remote
W8735B1003 Telephone Access Module: Used for remote
202689A Mounting Plate Accessory: Used when C7189A
Remote Indoor Sensor cannot cover wall marks from old
205224A Wall Cover Plate: Used when PC8900A Control
Panel cannot cover wall marks from old thermostat.
32007496-001 Replacement Door: Used for PC8900A Control
205224A: See Fig. 2.
C7089A: See Fig. 3.
C7100A: See Fig. 4.
C7189A: See Fig. 5.
PC8900A: See Fig. 6.
W8900A-C: See Fig. 7.
Operating Ambient Temperature Range:
NOTES: System is capable of turning on heat at 0°F (-18°C).
C7089A: -40° to 128°F (-40° to 53°C).
C7100A: 40° to 150°F (4° to 66°C).
C7189A: 40° to 95°F (4° to 35°C).
PC8900A: 40° to 110°F (4° to 43°C).
W8900A-C: -40° to 150°F (-40° to 66°C).
Shipping Temperature Range (All Components): -20° to
150°F (-29° to 66°C).
Operating Relative Humidity Range (All Components):
5 percent RH to 90 percent RH, noncondensing.
Mounting Means:
C7089A Outdoor Sensor: Mounts outside of living space using
locally obtained mounting hardware.
C7100A Discharge Air Sensor: Mounts in discharge air duct,
near air exchanger in a 2 x 4 in. outlet box or on a flat duct
or plenum surface. The temperature sensor probe passes
through a 7/8 in. knockout in the 2 x 4 in. outlet box.
C7189A Remote Indoor Sensor: Mounts directly on the wall
using mounting screws and anchors provided.
PC8900A Control Panel:
Without Remote Sensor: Mounts directly on the wall in liv-
ing space using mounting screws and anchors provided.
With Remote Sensor: Mounts directly on the wall in a
closet or other convenient location using mounting
screws and anchors provided.
W8900A-C Remote Module: Mounts directly on the wall, near
HVAC equipment or cold air return, using mounting screws
and anchors provided.
Table 1. W8900A-C Models.
Models with O and B terminals have single stage cooling.
Uses reheat. See Operation section.
Use with
System Type
Adjustment Heat
Adjustment Cool Use with
W8900A Conventional 2
yes yes yes PC8900A
W8900B Heat pump 3 2 yes yes yes PC8900A
W8900C Conventional 2 2 yes yes