RTH6300B Programmable Thermostat
Operating Manual
About your new thermostat
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Honeywell thermostat. It has been
designed to give you many years of reliable service and easy-to-use, push-button
climate control.
• Separately programmable weekday/weekend schedules.
• One-touch temp control overrides program schedule at any time.
• EnergyStar
compliant to greatly reduce your heating/cooling expenses.
• Large, clear, backlit display is easy to read — even in the dark.
• Displays both room temperature and temperature setting.
• Removable battery holder for fast, easy replacement.
• Built-in compressor protection.
This thermostat is ready to go!
Your new thermostat is pre-programmed and ready to go.All you have to do is set
the time and day.Then check the settings below and change if needed:
SSeett ttiimmee aanndd ddaayy ((rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr pprrooppeerr ooppeerraattiioonn))
................................See page 6
SSeelleecctt ffaann sseettttiinngg ((AAuuttoo//OOnn))::
Preset to Auto ......................To change, see page 7
SSeelleecctt ssyysstteemm sseettttiinngg ((HHeeaatt//CCooooll))::
Preset to Heat..............To change, see page 8
PPrrooggrraamm sscchheedduulleess::
Preset to energy-saving levels
while you’re at work or asleep (assumes you
wake at 6 am, leave at 8 am, return at 6 pm
and go to bed at 10 pm) ..............................................To change, see pages 9-11
ONE-TOUCH TEMP CONTROL: You can override the program schedule at any time, and
manually adjust the temperature (see pages 12-13).