Honeywell International Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley, MN 55422
® U.S. Registered Trademark.
US Patent No. D542,677 and other patents pending.
© 2008 Honeywell International Inc.
69-2210EF—03 M.S. Rev. 08-08
Automation and Control Solutions
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled
paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.
Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
35 Dynamic Drive
Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9
MERCURY NOTICE: Do not place your old
thermostat in the trash if it contains mercury
in a sealed tube. Contact your local waste
management authority for instructions regarding
recycling and proper disposal.
CAUTION: To avoid possible compressor
damage, do not run air conditioner if the outside
temperature drops below 50°F (10°C).