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Your new thermostat saves energy and keeps you
comfortable at the same time. By now you may be
wondering how to program your thermostat and how
to use some more time and energy-saving features.
First, let’s look at features you’ll be using often, like
setting the System and Fan keys, how to override the
current programming mode or to hold the thermostat
at a specific temperature while you go on vacation.
You can even program the thermostat to return to
your regular programming schedule on your last day
of vacation so you are comfortable when you return
and yet save energy while you are away.
Setting System and Fan Keys
Use the System and Fan keys to change the system
and fan settings. The fan settings can be set for each
schedule period individually. The system selection is
for all the schedule periods.
Equipment Damage Hazard.
Can cause permanent damage to the
compressor or other equipment.
To avoid possible compressor damage, allow
the compressor to remain off for five minutes
before restarting.
To avoid possible equipment damage, do not
operate cooling when the outside temperature
is below 50°F (10°C). See equipment manu-
facturer instructions.