Installation Guide
Honeywell International Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Automation and Control Solutions
® U.S. Registered Trademark.
US Patent No. 6595430, D509151 and other patents pending.
© 2007 Honeywell International Inc.
69-1896ES—1 M.S. Rev. 02-07
Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée
35 Dynamic Drive
Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled
paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.
Temperature Ranges
• Heat: 40° to 90°F (4.5° to 32°C)
• Cool: 50° to 99°F (10° to 37°C)
Operating Ambient Temperature
• 0° to 120°F (-18° to 48.9°C)
Shipping Temperature
• -30° to 150°F (-34° to 66°C)
Operating Relative Humidity
• 5% to 90% (non-condensing)
Physical Dimensions
• 4-9/16” H x 6” W x 1-3/8” D
• 116 mm H x 152 mm W x 35 mm D
Electrical Ratings
Terminal Voltage (50/60Hz) Running Current
W Heating 20-30 Vac 0.02-1.0 A
(Powerpile) 750 mV DC 100 mA DC
W2 Heating 20-30 Vac 0.02-0.6 A
Y Cooling 20-30 Vac 0.02-1.0 A
Y2 Cooling 20-30 Vac 0.02-0.6 A
Aux Auxiliary heat 20-30 Vac 0.02-1.0 A
O/B Changeover 20-30 Vac 0.02-0.6 A
E Emergency heat 20-30 Vac 0.02-1.0 A
L Heat pump reset 20-30 Vac 0.02-0.6 A
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For assistance with this product please visit http://yourhome.honeywell.com
or call Honeywell Customer Care toll-free at 1-800-468-1502