Duress Code
To program a Duress code:
Enter your Master Code + 8 + 8 + [desired 4-digit duress code].
The keypad will beep once.
Note: The Duress code must differ from the Master Code or any other User’s Code.
To change the Duress code:
Enter Master Code + 8 + 8 + [new 4-digit duress code].
To delete the Duress code:
Enter your Master Code + 8 + 8, and then stop. When the keypad beeps once it signifies
that the code has been deleted.
To Change Your Master
1. Enter your Master code and press the CODE [8] key.
2. Enter “2”.
3. Enter your new Master code.
4. Enter your new Master code again. The keypad will beep 3 times, indicating
Quick Arming
Ask your installer if "Quick
Arming" is active for your
system; if so, check here:
If your system supports "Quick Arming", the "#" key can be pressed in place of the
security code when arming the system. The security code is
required, however,
when disarming the system.
Phone Module
Ask your installer if your
system includes a phone
module; if so, check here:
If your system includes a phone module, your installer will have programmed a 2-digit
phone access code for your system. Be sure to obtain this phone code from your installer.
Complete information regarding the use of this phone access feature is provided in a
separate manual entitled PHONE ACCESS USER'S GUIDE, which accompanies the
phone module.