No. of Reports In Armed Period per Zone
(Swinger Suppression)
0 = unlimited number of reports
1 = 1 report pair per zone per armed period
2 = 2 report pairs per zone per armed period
Selection limits the number of alarm/alarm restore
message pairs per zone sent to the CS in an armed
SIA Guidelines: Must be set for option 1 or 2.
Report Pairs: 1 = 1 report pair; 2 = 2 report pairs
Unlimited Reports Enable:
0 = restrict reports to the setting in entry 1
1 = unlimited reports for zones listed in zone list 7;
(use zone list 7 to list zones that require unlimited
reporting; these zones ignore the setting in entry 1)
Download Phone Number
Enter up to 20 digits as follows: 0–9, # +11 for “
# + 12 for “#”, # + 13 for a pause.
Enter the phone number of the downloading computer.
Do not fill unused spaces. End field by entering ∗. To
clear entries from field, press ∗94∗.
Ring Count For Downloading
0–15 = number of rings before control picks up phone line.
Refer to the chart below and program accordingly.
phone answer down-
module machine loading Set field ∗
∗95 to…
yes no no 1-14 (not 0)
yes yes no higher than number of
rings set on answer
machine (e.g., if ans.
machine is 4 rings, set
this field to 5). This allows
access to the phone
module if the answer
machine is off.
yes no yes 1-14 (not 0)
yes yes yes 15 (bypasses answer
no no no 0
no yes no 0
no no yes 1-14
no yes yes 15
NOTE: If “15” is entered to bypass an answering
machine, and a 4285 or 4286 Phone Module is included in
the system, you should note the following:
When calling in from an off-premises phone, the user
should make the initial call, allow 1 or 2 rings only, then
hang up, then call again. The phone module will now seize
the line, and 2 long tones sound, followed by the usual
voice prompt for the access code. If this procedure is not
followed, phone module operation will not be possible.
Command to Initialize CSID and Subscriber
Account Number
Use this command, if necessary, to reset all subscriber
account numbers and the internal CSID to the factory
default values.
Command to Reset System to Factory
Default Values
Pressing ∗97 resets all data fields to the factory default
values (shown on the Program Form).
IMPORTANT: Do not press ∗97 to load defaults if any
programming has been done previously—data already
programmed into the system will be changed!
Command to Exit Program Mode (with
installer code lockout)
Exits Programming Mode and prevents re-entry by:
Installer Code + [8] + [0] + [0].
To enter the programming mode if
98 was used to
exit, you must first power down the system. Then
power up again, and press [∗] and [#] at the same time,
within 50 seconds of powering up. See field *88 for
other Program mode lockout options.
Command to Exit Program Mode
Exits Programming Mode and allows re-entry by:
Installer Code + [ 8] + [0] + [0]
or by: Pressing [∗] and [#] at the same time, within 50
seconds of power-up.
Pager Programming Fields
The system can send various reports to several pagers
(VISTA-20P = up to 4; VISTA-15P = up to 2).
To program pager reporting, do the following:
1. Enter the pager phone number(s), preface characters,
and pager report options in data fields *160 - *171:
2. Enable Pager Delay, if desired, in field *172 (delays
alarm reporting for ALL pagers).
3. Make sure appropriate user open/close pager
reports are enabled (see Security Codes, Assigning
Attributes in Section 6. System Communication
and Operation). Users that perform actions in
partition 1 will, if enabled, attempt to report to all
pagers enabled for open/close reporting in partition
1. Users that perform actions in partition 2 will, if
enabled, attempt to report to all pagers enabled for
open/close reporting in partition 2.
4. If using latchkey pager report, define the latchkey
report schedule using Scheduling mode (master
code + [#] [6] [4] then select event type 03). System
must be armed for the Latchkey report to be sent.
5. If using a function key to manually send a message
to a pager, use *57 Function Key Menu mode to
define the key (function 01).
6. If reporting zone alarms and troubles to a pager,
use *81 Zone List menu mode to assign the zones
associated with each pager (zone lists 9-12
† VISTA-20P supports four pagers and partitioning;
VISTA-15P supports two pagers and zone lists 9 and 10
Pager 1 Phone No.
Enter up to 20 digits.
If entering fewer than 20 digits, exit by pressing [∗] +
next field number. To clear entries, press ∗160∗.
Data Field Programming