Exit BIOS Configuration
l Save Changes and Exit - Use this option to immediately save current Setup settings to CMOS RAM and into the
Flash Boot Device (FBD). When this option is highlighted, press Enter to save. When the saving process is complete,
the Thor VX9 reboots with the current values.
l Discard Changes and Exit - Use this option when any current changes made to Setup parameters are to be ignored.
The parameters revert to their state when Setup was entered. When this option is highlighted, press Enter and the boot
process continues. The system reboots with unchanged values.
l Discard changes - Use this option to immediately restore CMOS RAM and discard any changes to the current Setup.
l Load Optimal Defaults - Use this option to load default settings to run the system at optimal performance. Then select
Save Changes and Exit to save and reboot.
l Load Failsafe Defaults - Use this option to load failsafe settings after changes may have made the system unstable.
While these settings may result in minimized performance compare to the previous choice, they system should be
returned to a stable state. Then select Save Changes and Exit to save and reboot.
Phoenix BIOS
Pressing the ESC key immediately brings up the Exit menu.
The choices are:
l Exit Saving Changes - Use this option to immediately save current Setup settings to CMOS RAM and into the Flash
Boot Device (FBD). When this option is highlighted, press Enter to save. When the saving process is complete, the
Thor VX9 reboots with the current values.
l Exit Discarding Changes - Use this option when any current changes made to Setup parameters are to be ignored.
The parameters revert to their state when Setup was entered. When this option is highlighted, press <Enter> and the
boot process continues. The system reboots with unchanged values.
l Load Setup Defaults - This option is used to reset the Setup values to the original, default values that were set at the
factory, before suppliers or end users made changes. The next time the Thor VX9 is turned on or rebooted, those saved
values are in effect. Save this change by selecting Exit Saving Changes.
l Discard Changes - Use this option to immediately restore CMOS RAM and update the current Setup settings from the
Flash Boot Device. Save this change by selecting Exit Saving Changes.
l Save Changes - Used to save BIOS Setup changes without rebooting. The changed parameters are in effect the next
time the Thor VX9 is powered on or rebooted. Reboot by selecting either Exit Discarding Changes or Exit Saving