To obtain approved HOOVER service and genuine HOOVER parts, locate
the nearest Hoover Factory Service Center or Authorized Hoover
Warranty Service dealer (depot) by:
l checking the Yellow Pages under “Vacuum Cleaners
Household” OR-
* Checking the list of Factory Service Centers provided with this
cleaner OR-
. calling I-800-944-9200 for an automated referral of authorized
service outlet locations (U.S. only).
Do not send your cleaner to the Hoover Company in North Canton for
service, this will only result in a delay.
If further assistance is needed, contact The Hoover Company Consumer
Response Center, North Canton, Ohio 44720, Phone: 330-499-9499.
In Canada, contact Hoover Canada, Burlington, Ontario
Phone: I-800-263-6376.
Always identify your cleaner by the complete model number when
requesting information or ordering parts. (The model number appears on
the bottom of the cleaner.)