“~oIIiake cleaning easier, the
cooktopmay be lifted Lip.
1. Be sure burners are turnedoff.
2. Removethe grates.
3. Grasp the two frontburner wells
Some models have dual support
rods that will hold the cooktopup
while yOLIclean underneathit.
After ‘eIe2ningUllde%’the Cooktop
with hot. soapy water and a clean
cloth: lower the cooktop. Be
careful not to pinch your fingers.
Lower cooktop gently to avoid
blowing out pi]ot frames (on
models with Standing Pilots).
‘k. .. .-
... .-
There are a number of precautions
you can take to avoic!marringthe
porcelain enamelsurface of the
cooktop and to preventit from
becoming dull.Don>tslide heavy
pans across it. If you spillfoods
with a lot of acid (tomatoes,
sauerkraut, fruitjuices, etc.) or
foods with high sugarcontent,
clean them
Llpas soon as possible.
If allowed to set, these foods could
cause a dull spot. Also, no matter
how stubbornthe food stain, never
use harsh abrasive cleansers.They
could permanently damage the
enamel surface. We recommend
a cleanser such as Soft Scrub@
brand cleanser* or a similar
cleaning product.
Donot storeRammable
in alloven or near
the Coolitop. Do not store or use
or other flammablevaporsand
liquidsin the vicinityof this or
any other appliance.
Grates shoLIldbe washed regular]y
and, of course, after spillovers.
Wash them in hot. soapy water
and rinse Yvithclean water. After
cleaning, dry them thoroughly by
putting them in a warm oven for a
few minutes. Don>tput the grates
back on the range while they are
wet. When replacing the grates, be
over the l~urncrs.
grates will graduallylosetheir
shine,regardlessof the best care
you can givethem. This is dueto
theircontinualexposureto high
Do not operate a burnerfor an
extended period of time without
cookware on the grate.The finish
on the grate may chip without
cookware to absorb the heat.
Drip PaRls
(on modelssoequipped)
Remove the grates and lift out the
drip pans. Drip pans can be
cleaned in dishwasher or by hand.
After pans cool slightly,soak in
detergent and hot water, wash with
a non-abrasive scouringpad if
necessary,then rinse and dry.
ovenAir vents
Never blocktheVenk (air
Oftl~erange. They
providetheair inletand outlet
thatare necessaryfor therange
to operateproperlywith co~rect
combustion,Air openingsare
located at therear of the
cooktop,at the top andbottom
of the oven door andunder the
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