Proper care and cleaningare
importa~ltso yo~lrrangewillgive
youefficientand satisfactory
service. Followthese directions
carefilly incaring for your rangeto
assuresafeand proper maintenance.
You~rangeis ventedthrougha duct
locatedunderthe rightrear surface
unit. Cleanthe duc~often.
The ovenlamp (bulb)is covered
with a glass removablecoverwhich
is held in placewith a bail-shaped
wire. Removeovendoor,if desired,
to reach covereasily.
The porcelain enamel finishis
sturdy but breakable if misused.
This finish is acid-resistant.
However,any acid foodsspilled
(such as fruitjuices, tomatoor
vinegar) should not be permitted
to remain on the finish.
To remove:
@Hold hand under cover so it
@Make sure unit is cool.
doesn’tfallwhen released. With
fingersof same hand, firmly push
* Lifi up right rear surfaceunit.
back wire bail untilit clears cover.
cleaningunder theRange
(on models equippedYvith
@Removedrip pan and ring.
Lift off cover.DO NOT REMOVE
@Lift out ovenventduct.
ANY Screws.
The area under the rangeof models
equipped with a bottom drawer can
be reached easily for cleaningby
removingthe bottom drawer. To
remove, pull drawer out all the way,
tilt up the front and removeit. To
replace, insert glides at back of
drawer beyondstop on rangeglides.
Lift drawer if riecessaryto insert
easily. Let front of drawer down,
then push into close.
@Place the part overthe ovenvent
located below the cooktopwith
~ Replacebulb with 40-watthome
To replace
opening of the duct under the round
opening in the drip pan. It is
important that the duct is in the
correct position so moistureand
vapors from the ovencan be
released during ovenuse. N~E:
Never cover the hole in the oven
~Place it intogrooveof lamp
receptacle. Pull wire bail forward
to center of coveruntil it snaps into
place. When in place, wire holds
cover firmly. Be certain wire bail is
in depression in center of cover.
vent duct with aluminum foil or
@Connect electric power to range.
any other material. This prevents
the ovenvent from working
properly during any cooking cycle.
surface uti@
Clean the area under the drip pans
often. Built-upsoil, especially
grease, may catch fire. To make
cleaning easier, stay-upu~litslifi up
and lock in the up position, and
plug-in units are removable.
Lamp Replacement
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