
Inverse is a method where weak returns are shown
with dark pixels and strong returns with lighter pixels.
This has the benefit of ensuring that weak signals will
be clearly visible on the display.
Structure ID® represents weak returns as light pixels
and strong returns as dark pixels. This has the benefit of
ensuring that strong returns will be clearly visible on
the display.
WhiteLine® highlights the strongest sonar returns in
white, resulting in a distinctive outline. This has the
benefit of clearly defining the bottom on the display.
Bottom Black displays all pixels below the bottom
contour as black, regardless of signal strength. This has
the benefit of providing a high contrast between the
bottom and other sonar returns on the display. Any
targets such as fish, structure and thermoclines will be
shown using the Structure ID® method.
Bottom Presentation
As the boat moves, the unit charts the changes in depth on the display to create a profile
of the Bottom Contour. The type of bottom can be determined from the return charted
on the display. A Hard Bottom such as compacted sediment or flat rock appears as a
thinner line across the display. A Soft Bottom such as mud or sand appears as a thicker
line across the display. Rocky Bottoms have a broken, random appearance.
The sonar returns from the bottom, structure and fish can be represented as either
Inverse (default), WhiteLine®, Structure ID®, or Bottom Black. See Sonar X-Press
Menu: Bottom View for details on how to set the bottom view.
Bottom Contour Profile with RTS® Window.
Temp/Speed Accessory is optional.
Rocky Bottom
Hard Bottom
Soft Bottom
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