
545196786 Rev. 2 4/30/09
Check before starting
S Check the blade to ensure that no cr acks
have formed at the bottom of the teeth or
by the centre hole. The most co mm on rea-
son why cr acks are formed is that sha rp
corn ers have been form ed at the bottom of
the teeth while shar pening or that the blade
has been used with dull teet h. Discard a
blade if cracks are found.
S Check that the support flange is not
cracked due to fatig ue or due to being
tightened too much. Discard the support
flange if it is cracked.
S Ensu re the locking nut has not lost its cap-
tive force. The nut lock should have a
locking force of at least 1.5 Nm. The tight-
ening torque of the lockin g nut sh ou ld be
35--5 0 Nm.
S Check that the trimmer head and trimmer
guard are not damaged or cracked.
Replace t he trimmer head or trimmer
guard if they have been exposed to
impact or are crac ked.
S Never use the machine without a guard
nor with a defectiv e guard.
S All covers must be cor rect ly fitted and un-
damaged before you st art the machine.
Cold engine
Primer bulb: Press the primer bulb 10
times until fuel begins to fill the bulb. The
primer bulb need not be completely filled.
Choke: Mov e the blue engine chok e lever
over to the closed position.
Hold the body of the machine on the
ground using your left hand (CAUTION!
Not with your foot!).
Firmly grip the starter rope handle with
your right hand. DO NO T squeeze
throttle trigger. Slow ly pull out the cord
until you f e el some resistance (the starter
pawls grip); then quickly and powerfully
pull the cor d.
Never wrap the starter cord around
your hand.
Repeat pulling the cord until the engine
attempts to start. Move the blue engine
choke lever to the ½ position. Pull starter
rope until engine runs. Move the blue
engine chok e lever to the opened position.
W ARNING: The complete clutch,
clutch cover, and shaf t must be
fitted before the machine is started,
otherwise parts could come loose
and cause persona l inj ury .
Always move the machine away
from the refueling area before
starting. Place the machine on a
flat surf ace. Ensure the cutting at-
tachment cannot c ome into contact
with any object.
Make sure no unauthorized
persons are in the working area,
otherwise there is a risk of serious
personal injury. The safety
distance is 15 meters.
Starting and stopping