
ALLEN&HEATH iLive Reference Guide AP6526 iss.3 81
To archive your configuration go to the UTILITY /
Configuration / Show Manager screen. Touch the
Archive Show button. Type in a name using the
onscreen keypad. Press Enter to archive the show.
This takes a few seconds to complete.
Use the + button to Expand the list of Shows
currently stored. Template Shows are factory
defaults that cannot be deleted. They give you a
quick starting point for mixing with iLive and can be
edited to create your own User shows.
To overwrite an existing User Show highlight it in
the list and touch Archive. The keypad opens with
its name displayed. Either type in a new name to
archive it as a different show, or just press Enter to
overwrite the existing show.
To recall a Template, User or USB show go to the
UTILITY / Configuration / Show Manager screen,
highlight a Show in the list, then touch the Recall
button. Confirm the action.
Note: Recalling a show overwrites all the
system settings and can change your mix
architecture and patching. Make sure existing
settings are archived first if you want to keep them
to use again in the future. Show recall can take up
to 3 minutes depending on how much information
is stored.
Note: Show recall should only be used when
reconfiguring your system for a different event.
This would typically be done once for the event.
Use the Scene memories rather than Shows to
recall settings for different scenes in a theatre
performance, bands at a music festival, day to day
setups in a church, and so on.
Note: For iLive to see the Shows on your USB
key they should be placed in an 'allenheath \
shows' folder in the root directory of your key. If
you have previously archived Shows to the key
using an iLive then this folder should have already
been created.
User Show list
Factory default Template shows
Archive existing settings