
Imation Matchprint
Professional Server Quick Start
Paths Tab
The Paths tab allows you to customize the location of where the server will save RIP’ed, spooled and
temporary files. The folder setting for each of the file categories is listed.
To change a folder setting, select the appropriate Browse... button of the folder you wish to change. A
Choose Folder dialog box is displayed. Select the desired folder. The Preferences dialog box
is updated to reflect your selection.
Note: 1) Changes to the Saved Jobs, Temp Files, or RIP’ed Pages folder take effect immediately,
although jobs currently processing will not be affected. (Note that PostScript
temp files are
not stored in the Temp Files folder.)
2) The Imation Matchprint
Professional Server has a second drive labeled D:/. It is
recommended to use this drive for spooled and RIP’ed file storage.
[ Figure 8 ]