
4-16 Vol. 3
ters. (This is different from the other paging modes, in which there is one hierarchy
referenced by CR3.)
Section 4.4.1 discusses the PDPTE registers. Section 4.4.2 describes linear-address
translation with PAE paging.
4.4.1 PDPTE Registers
When PAE paging is used, CR3 references the base of a 32-Byte page-directory-
pointer table. Table 4-7 illustrates how CR3 is used with PAE paging.
The page-directory-pointer-table comprises four (4) 64-bit entries called PDPTEs.
Each PDPTE controls access to a 1-GByte region of the linear-address space. Corre-
sponding to the PDPTEs, the logical processor maintains a set of four (4) internal,
non-architectural PDPTE registers, called PDPTE0, PDPTE1, PDPTE2, and PDPTE3.
The logical processor loads these registers from the PDPTEs in memory as part of
certain executions the MOV to CR instruction:
If an execution MOV to CR0 or MOV to CR4 causes the logical processor to
transition from either no paging or 32-bit paging to PAE paging (see Section
4.1.2), the PDPTEs are loaded from the address in CR3.
If MOV to CR3 is executed while the logical processor is using PAE paging, the
PDPTEs are loaded from the address being loaded into CR3.
If PAE paging is in use and a task switch changes the value of CR3, the PDPTEs
are loaded from the address in the new CR3 value.
Certain VMX transitions load the PDPTE registers. See Section 4.11.1.
Unless the caches are disabled, the processor uses the WB memory type to load the
PDPTEs from memory.
Table 4-7. Use of CR3 with PAE Paging
4:0 Ignored
31:5 Physical address of the 32-Byte aligned page-directory-pointer table used for
linear-address translation
63:32 Ignored (these bits exist only on processors supporting the Intel-64 architecture)
1. Older IA-32 processors used the UC memory type when loading the PDPTEs. This behavior is
model-specific and not architectural.