
C H A P T E R 6 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Note that several CLI capabilities available at the local console are
unavailable in remote sessions. These are:
Assignment of an IP address to the 7110/7115’s network
Enable/disable Telnet, SSh, or SNMP
Change Telnet, SSh, or SNMP ports
Set maximum number of Telnet or SSh sessions
Enable/disable monitoring report or alarms (Though reports and
alarms can be received remotely when these features are enabled
at the serial console prior to enabling remote management.)
The CLI commands that control remote management potentially
affect the device’s configuration files, thus if a remote management
configuration is to persist across a shutdown/startup of the device,
you must follow remote management configuration with the CLI
command config save. This ensures that the configuration will be
restored upon startup.
Remote Management CLI Commands
Remote management is enabled or disabled and configured by using
a series of CLI commands available only at the local serial console.
The exact sequence varies depending on the type and configuration
of the remote session you wish to enable. (Usage is detailed in
subsequent sections.) These commands are:
set ip <ip> <netmask> assigns an IP address and netmask to the
7110/7115’s network interface.
set max_remote_sessions <1-5> sets the maximum allowed
number of concurrently running Telnet and SSh sessions.
set telnet enable|disable enables or disables Telnet sessions.
show telnet displays current telnet status: enabled or disabled.
set telnet_port <port> sets the Telnet port. (Default: 23.)