
Index 145
messages, error and informational, 110
monitoring server status, 18
compatibility, 18
inactivity timer, 18
network, controller, 9, 17
password, 21
administrative, 20
administrator, 21
entering to unblank screen, 22
retaining at system reset, 117
user, 20, 21
using to reactivate keyboard/mouse, 22
using to reactivate keyboard/mouse, 18
embedded devices, 9
expansion slots, 9
slot current ratings, 140
PCI Configuration Menu, configuring in
Setup, 58
PCI Device, Embedded SCSI menu,
configuring in Setup, 58, 60
PCI Device, Slot 1 - Slot 4 menu, configuring
in Setup, 59
PEP. See Platform Event Paging
PEP Filter Submenu, 65
PEP Management Submenu, 64
Platform Event Paging, 20, 78
countdown codes, 110
error messages, 52
memory, amount tested, 52
Power cord
length, 23, 126
obtaining, 126
power cords, disconnect all before opening
system, 25
power on/off
locking on/off switch, Setup, 22
switch does not turn off AC power,
25, 126
power supply
calculating power usage, 140
current usage, 140
hazardous conditions, 25
main connector pins, 114
monitoring power state, 18
worksheet, calculating DC power, 141
after running new application
software, 102
after system has been running
correctly, 103
application software, 109
bootable CD-ROM not detected, 109
cannot connect to network server, 108
CD-ROM drive activity light, 107
confirm OS loading, 104
diskette drive light, 107
hard drive light, 107
initial system startup, 101
network, 108
no characters on screen, 105
PCI installation tips, 109
power light, 105
preparing system for diagnostic
testing, 104
random error in data files, 103
screen characters incorrect, 106
system cooling fans do not rotate, 106
system lights, 104
processor, 30
installing, 31
selecting the correct processor, 30
use grounded, static free surface, 32
processor description, 14
real time clock, running SCU to configure
settings, 50
recovery boot jumper, retaining settings, 118
removing termination board, 31
reset system, 51, 101
SCI files, 68
SCSI, bus termination requirements, 16
SCSI controller, 16
administrative password limits access
to, 22
changing configuration, 51