
Datasheet 15
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
Broke up the old Register Map into Table 59 “MAC Control Registers ($ Port Index + Offset)”,
Table 60 “MAC RX Statistics Registers ($ Port Index + Offset)”, Table 61 “MAC TX Statistics
Registers ($ Port Index + Offset)”, Table 62 “PHY Autoscan Registers ($ Port Index + Offset)”,
Table 63 “Global Status and Configuration Registers ($ 0x500 - 0X50C)”, Table 64 “RX FIFO
Registers ($ 0x580 - 0x5BF)”, Table 65 “TX FIFO Registers ($ 0x600 - 0x63E)”, Table 66 “MDIO
Registers ($ 0x680 - 0x683)”, Table 67 “SPI3 Registers ($ 0x700 - 0x716)”, Table 68 “SerDes
Registers ($ 0x780 - 0x798)”, and Table 69 “Optical Module Registers ($ 0x799 - 0x79F)”.
158 Edited Table 63 “Global Status and Configuration Registers ($ 0x500 - 0X50C)” [no offset].
158 Edited Table 64 “RX FIFO Registers ($ 0x580 - 0x5BF)” [no offset].
159 Edited Table 65 “TX FIFO Registers ($ 0x600 - 0x63E)” [no offset].
160 Edited Table 66 “MDIO Registers ($ 0x680 - 0x683)” [no offset].
160 Edited Table 67 “SPI3 Registers ($ 0x700 - 0x716)” [no offset].
161 Edited Table 68 “SerDes Registers ($ 0x780 - 0x798)” [no offset].
161 Edited Table 69 “Optical Module Registers ($ 0x799 - 0x79F)” [no offset].
Modified Table 71 “Desired Duplex ($ Port_Index + 0x02)” [changed 100 Mbps to 1000 Mbps in
register description.
Modified Table 82 “MAC IF Mode and RGMII Speed ($ Port_Index + 0x10)” [Added text to register
167 Modified Table 84 “FC Enable ($ Port_Index + 0x12)” [changed description for bits 1:0].
Modified Table 88 “RX Config Word ($ Port_Index + 0x16)” [edited Register Description text;
changed description and type for bits 13:12].
Modified Table 89 “TX Config Word ($ Port_Index + 0x17)” [edited description and type for bits 14,
Modified Table 90 “Diverse Config Write ($ Port_Index + 0x18)” [edited description and type for bits
18:8; changed bits 3:1 to Reserved; added table note 2].
Renamed/modified Table 91 “RX Packet Filter Control ($ Port_Index + 0x19)” [old register name -
added RX to heading; added table note 2].
Modified Table 93 “MAC RX Statistics ($ Port_Index + 0x20 – + 0x39)” [added note to
RxPauseMacControlReceivedCounter description; edited note 3 and added note 4].
Modified Table 94 “MAC TX Statistics ($ Port_Index +0x40 – +0x58)” [changed “1526-max” to “1523
- max frame size” for Txpkts1519toMaxOctets description].
Modified Table 113 “RX FIFO High Watermark Port 0 ($0x580)”, Table 114 “RX FIFO High
Watermark Port 1 ($0x581)”, Table 115 “RX FIFO High Watermark Port 2 ($0x582)”, and Table 116
“RX FIFO High Watermark Port 3 ($0x583)” [changed bits 11:0 description].
Renamed and modified Table 121 “RX FIFO Overflow Frame Drop Counter Ports 0 - 3 ($0x594 –
[old register name: RX FIFO Number of Frames Removed Ports 0 to 3; renamed bit names to
match register names; removed “This register gets updated after one cycle of sw reset is applied”
under Description].
Modified Table 123 “RX FIFO Errored Frame Drop Enable ($0x59F)” [renamed bit names to match
register name].
Renamed/modified Table 125 “RX FIFO Errored Frame Drop Counter Ports 0 - 3 ($0x5A2 - 0x5A5)”
on page 197 [older register name: RX FIFO Dropped Packet Counter for Ports 0 to 3; renamed bit
names to match register name].
Modified Table 126 “RX FIFO SPI3 Loopback Enable for Ports 0 - 3 ($0x5B2)” [renamed heading
and bit name; changed description and type for bits 7:0].
Renamed Table 128 “RX FIFO Transfer Threshold Port 0 ($0x5B8)” on page 200 [from “RX FIFO
Jumbo Packet Size; changed bit names and edited/added text under description].
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
(Sheet 4 of 5)
Page # Description