
IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Security (IxCryptoAcc) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 113
The hardware accelerator component provides an interface for performing a single pass CCMP-
MIC computation and verification with CTR mode encryption /decryption.
Note: The implementation of AES-CCM mode in IxCryptoAcc is designed to support 802.11i type
applications specifically. As noted below, the API expects a 48-byte Initialization Vector and an
8-byte MIC value. These values correspond with an 802.11i AES-CCM implementation. IPSec
implementations are expected to support 16- or 32-bit IV’s and 8- or 16-bit MIC values, which are
not supported by this component. Refer to “Performing CCM (AES CTR-Mode Encryption and
AES CBC-MAC Authentication) for IPSec” on page 103 for details on non-WEP AES-CCM
The following should be noted regarding the support for CCMP:
The hardware accelerator component does not provide any support for:
constructing CCM initial block construction for MIC computation
constructing MIC-IV and MIC-Headers
constructing CTR-mode IV.
The hardware accelerator expects that the initialization vector be 64 bytes of contiguous buffer
consisting of 16 bytes of CTR-mode IV followed by 48 bytes of MIC-IV-HEADER. If the
MIC-IV-HEADER constructed is less than 48 bytes, then it should be padded with zero to
48 bytes (3 AES blocks).
Computed MIC is always 8 bytes and is not configurable to a different value.
The hardware accelerator does the padding (with zeros, if required) of the data for the
purposes of MIC computation. Once MIC is computed, and the data has been encrypted, the
pad bytes are discarded and are not appended to the payload.
CTR-mode IV, MIC-IV and MIC Headers are constructed by the client from RSN Header and
other per-packet information.
7.7.3 Authentication Algorithms
Table 13 summarizes the authentication algorithms supported by IxCryptoAcc. The HMAC
algorithms are accelerated by the hashing coprocessor on NPE C. The WEP-CRC algorithm may
be performed using either NPE A or the Intel XScale core WEP engine.
Table 13. Supported Authentication Algorithms
Authentication Algorithm
Data Block Size (Bits) Key Size (Bits)
HMAC-SHA1 512 160-512
HMAC-MD5 512 128-512