
Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer 133
Technical Product Specification
Operating the Unit
10.3.2 Saving BIOS.bin to the SBC
1. Copy the flashlnx utility and BIOS.bin to the SBC running MontaVista Carrier Grade Linux.
2. Execute “chmod +x flashlnx” to change the file attribute to executable form.
3. Execute “./flashlnx -b -zc BIOS.bin” to copy the BIOS.bin file to the FWH and CMOS.
4. Upon completion, perform a reset to ensure the new CMOS settings and BIOS are loaded.
Caution: To ensure that the BIOS.bin file is not corrupted, Intel strongly suggests performing these steps
before major deployment of any SBCs running in a live network environment.
10.3.3 Error Messages
The table below describes an error message that may occur while copying or saving the BIOS.
Table 89. Error Message
Message Definition Notes
Data ID not found CMOS area is not detected in BIOS. Only applies to boards having this feature.