
Server Management Intel® Server Board Set SE8500HW4
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D22893-001
The following Alert over LAN resource sizes are platform-specific. Refer to the platform BMC
EPS for their values.
LAN Alert Destination Count
Refer to IPMI 2.0 Specification for additional details on PET Alerts feature.
5.7.4 Alert over Serial/PPP
Alert over Serial/PPP uses the same IP/UDP packet encapsulation as Alert over LAN, but
allows alerts to be delivered via modem to a PPP enabled destination. An alert can trigger a dial
out to one or more destinations as specified in the Alert Policy table, Serial/Modem Destination,
and PPP Account parameters.
The following Alert over Serial/PPP resource sizes are platform-specific. Refer to the platform
BMC EPS for their values.
Alert String Count
Alert String Size
Dial String Count (shared with Dial Page Alerting)
Serial/Modem Alert Destination Count (shared with Dial Page Alerting)
Serial/Modem Destination IP Address Count
PPP Account Count
Microsoft CBCP (Callback Control Protocol) is not supported.
Refer to IPMI 2.0 Specification for additional details on this feature.