
Glossary IntelĀ® Server Platform SR6850HW4 TPS
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D23151-001
Word / Acronym Definition
LAN Local area network
LED Light emitting diode
LPC Low pin count
LVDS Low voltage differential SCSI
NIC Network interface card
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OS Operating system
OTP Over-temperature protection
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
PDB Power Distribution Board
PEF Platform event filtering
PEP Platform event paging
PFC Power factor correction
PIROM Processor information ROM
PLD Programmable logic device
PWM Pulse width modulator
RAID Redundant array of independent disks
RAS Reliability, availability, and serviceability
RPM Revolutions per minute
SAF-TE SCSI accessed fault-tolerant enclosure
SCA Single connector attachment
SCL Serial clock
SCSI Small computer systems interface
SDA Serial data
SDINT System diagnostic interrupt
SDR Sensor data record
SDRAM Synchronous dynamic RAM
SE Single-ended
SEEPROM Serial dlectrically erasable programmable read-only memory
SEL System event log
SMP Symmetric multiprocessing
TTL Transistor-transistor logic
USB Universal serial bus
UV Under-voltage
VAC Alternating current (AC) voltage
VCC Voltage controlled current
VCCI Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment
VGA Video graphics array
VID Voltage ID
VRM Voltage regulator module
VSB Voltage standby
WfM Wired for management