
SRPL8 Server System Product Guide 37
The rest of this section lists the features that display onscreen after you press <F2> to enter Setup.
Not all of the option choices are described, because (1) a few are not user-selectable but are
displayed for your information, and (2) many of the choices are relatively self-explanatory.
Press To
F1 Get help about an item.
ESC Go back to a previous item.
Select the previous value in a menu option list.
Select the next value in a menu option list.
Select a major menu.
- Change the value of the current menu item to the previous value.
+ Change the value of the current menu item to the next value.
Enter Activate submenus, select feature options, and change feature values.
F9 Display the following message:
Setup Confirmation
Load default configuration now?
[Yes] [No]
The [Yes] button will be highlighted. If you press <Enter>, all Setup fields return to their
default values. If you press <ESC> or select No, the server returns to the configuration it
had before you pressed <F9>, without affecting any existing field values.
F10 Display the following message:
Setup Confirmation
Save configuration changes and exit now?
[Yes] [No]
The [Yes] button will be highlighted. If you press <Enter>, all current Setup values are
saved, and the system is reset. If you press <ESC> or select No, the server returns to
the configuration it had before you pressed <F10>, without affecting any existing values.