
User Interface StorView* Enclosure Management Software User Guide
Revision 1.1
Change Enclosure Name (page 17) (enclosure)
Rescan Enclosures (page 21)
License Manager (page 18)
Save Configuration to File (see “Save Configuration” page 21)
Tip of the Day - Displays an informative tip.
Help Topics - Displays the on-line help.
2.6 System Report
The System Report gives a detailed summary of all physical components in the system. This
can then be stored locally as an HTML file using the Save button or sent to the printer using the
Print button. Any text entered in the Enter User Comment field is output at the top of the file or
printout when the Insert button is clicked.
The Email button brings up the following window:
The fields are as follows:
To - The recipient of the e-mail.
From - The sender of the e-mail (this can be anything as long as it is a properly formed e-mail
SMTP Mail Server - The e-mail address of the mail server to be used when routing the message.
Use Server Authentication - Check this box if the SMTP server requires a user name and
User Name - The user name (if required) to use the mail server (only shown if Use Server
Authentication is checked).
User Password - The password (if required) to use the mail server (only shown if Use Server
Authentication is checked).
Subject - The "subject" line of the e-mail.
Attach System Report - If checked, the System Report will be appended to the e-mail message.
The text area at the bottom of the window can be filled with anything - it will form the
body of the e-mail.