
Jumpers and Connectors STL2 Server Board TPS
Pin Signal Description
2 RXD Receive data
3 TXD Transmit data
4 DTR Data terminal ready
5 GND Ground
6 DSR Data set ready
7 RTS Return to send
8 CTS Clear to send
9 RIA Ring indication active
5.2.13 RJ-45 LAN Connector
Table 5-18. RJ-45 LAN Connector Signals
Pin Signal Description
1 TX+ Transmit data plus—the positive signal for the TD differential pair contains the serial output data
stream transmitted onto the network
2 TX- Transmit data minus—the negative signal for the TD differential pair contains the same output as
pin 1
3 RX+ Receive data plus—the positive signal for the RD differential pair contains the serial input data
stream received from the network
4 NC
5 NC
6 RX- Receive data minus—the negative signal for the RD differential pair contains the same input as
pin 3
7 NC
8 NC
5.2.14 USB Connectors
Table 5-19. USB Connectors
USB 1 Pin Signal USB 2 Pin Signal
1 +5 VDC 1 +5 VDC
2 USB_P1_N 2 USB_P0_N
3 USB_P1_P 3 USB_P0_P