2. Liftthe front ofthe drawer to clearthe stops. ,.... _ .................
3. Graspthe draweronthe sides and pullit out therest of the Yourcompactor won't operate
way.Set the drawerdowngently. __ .........................
• Isthe power supplycordunplugged?
• Hasa householdfuse or circuitbreakertripped?
Replacethefuseor resetthe circuitbreaker,
- Is the drawer completelyclosed?
Closethe drawerfirmlyand start the compactor again.
• Isthe Key-Knobturned all theway to START?
4. Vacuumthe insideof the cabinet,Liquidspillsor wet trash Turnthe Key-Knob(Key-Switch)fully to STARTand release
shouldbe cleanedup byhand, or by usinga vacuum (onsomemodels), Seethe "Starting YourCompactor"
designedto pickup liquids, section.
• Didyou pressONbefore pressingSTART?
PressONbeforepressing START(on some models).Seethe
"Starting YourCompactor" section.
The drawer won't open
• Isthe ram all theway up?
Drawerwill openonly whenram isfully raised.
• Toraise the ram on models with e Key-Knob (or Key-
5. Washthe insideof the cabinetwith cleansponge orsoft Switch):
cloth and a mild detergentin warm water.Rinseand dry Turnthe Key-Knob(Key-Switch)to STARTand release.See
thoroughlyw(th a softcloth, the "Starting YourCompactor" section.
6. Toreplacethedrawer, graspit by the sidesand insertthe • Toraisethe ram onmodelswith push button controls:
rollersontothe tracks. PressOFF,andthen pressON.See the "StartingYour
7. Liftthe frontof the drawerandpushit infully pastthestops. Compactor"section.
CleaningtheRam Thereisnotenoughcompactionorforce
NOTE:Youmaywanttowearprotectiveglovesastheremaybe • Doyou use the compactingcyclefrequentlyenough?
bitsofglassonthe ramcover. Compactingworksbestwhenonlya fewitems are loaded.
1. Wipeglassparticlesoffof theramcoverwitha clothorpaper ............................
towels. Bottlesdon't break
2, Removefoodswitha cleanspongeorsoftclothanda mild
detergentinwarmwater.Rinseand drythoroughlywith a soft • How often do younoticethis?
cloth. Bottleswillnotbreakeverytime.Thethicknessof thebottle
L._ glassandthe content of the trash loadbelow itmay preyer
the bottlefrom breaking,
......""-'_" P_I= HDPE V
If youwillbe awayformorethanacoupleofdays,removethe
itc°mpact°rbag. RemovetheKey-Knob(or Key-Switch)andstOreoutof children'sreach. _1_ _ _
TROUBLESHOOTING Thesecodesindicatewhichtypeofplasticwasused
Trythe solutions suggestedherefirst In orderto avoidthe recycling.
cost ofan unnecessaryservice call,
• Isthe drawer lessthan half full? OTHER
Drawermustbe morethan halffull beforetrashis Plasticswiththissymbolcannotberecycled,