IMPORTANT: This intervalTimercan beused to remindyouwhen a period, upto9 hours
and 55 minutes, expires. It can be used independently of any other oven activity and
can beset while another ovenfunction is operating. TheTimer does notcontrolthe oven.
To set Timer:
1. Touch Timer Pad.
The Indicator Words Set Timer will flash and ":00" appears in the Display.
2. Turn Set Dial clockwise untildesired number of minutes and secondsor hours and
minutes appear in Display.
NOTE: If more than 30 seconds elapse between touching Timer Pad and turning
Set Dial, the Timer Pad must be touched again to set the numbers.
IMPORTANT: This is the only function where time can be entered in minutes and
seconds. When entering minutes and seconds, minutes areto the left of colon and
seconds to right of colon. When entering hours and minutes, hours are to the left
of the colon with the Hr Indicator word and minutes are to the right of colon..
EXAMPLE: Turn the dial to ":05" for 5 seconds, "5:00" for 5 minutes, or "5 Hr:00"
for 5 hours and 0 minutes.
5 seconds
5 minutes
5 hours and 0 minutes
Countdownwillstartafter 3 seconds, At end oftime set,the Timerwillbeep 3 times.
To cancel Timer:
1. Hold in Timer Pad for 3 seconds.
2. A. Touch Timer Pad
B. Turn Set Dial counterclockwise until ":00" appears in Display Window.
NOTE: Touching Cancel/Off Pad to cancel signal willcancel ALL selected oven