• Microsoft and Windows Media are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.
• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by
the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
by Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) is under
license. Other trademarks and trade names are those
of their respective owners.
• HD Radio ™ and the HD Radio Ready logo are
proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.
• “SIRIUS” and the SIRIUS dog logo are registered
trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.
• XM and its corresponding logos are registered
trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.
• “SAT Radio,” the SAT Radio logo and all related marks
are trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc., and XM
Satellite Radio, Inc.
• iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries.
– iPod nano *
– iPod video (5th Generation) *
When you connect the iPod nano to the interface
adapter, be sure to disconnect the headphones;
otherwise, no sound is heard.
It is not possible to browse video files on the
“Videos” menu while the iPod is connected to the
interface adapter.
• If the iPod does not play correctly, please update your
iPod software to the latest version. For details about
updating your iPod, visit <http://www.apple.com>.
• When you turn on this unit, the iPod is charged
through this unit.
• While the iPod is connected, all operations from the
iPod are disabled. Perform all operations from this
• The text information may not be displayed correctly.
• If the text information includes more than 11
characters, it scrolls on the display. This unit can
display up to 40 characters.
When operating an iPod, some operations may not
be performed correctly or as intended. In this case,
visit the following JVC web site: <http://www.jvc.
Title assignment
• If you try to assign titles to more than 30 station
frequencies, “NAME FULL” appears. Delete unwanted
titles before assignment.
General settings—PSM
• “AUTO” setting for “DIMMER” may not work correctly
on some vehicles, particularly on those having a
control dial for dimming.
In this case, change the “DIMMER” setting to any
other than “AUTO.”
• If you change the “AMP GAIN” setting from
“HIGH POWER” to “LOW POWER” while the
volume level is set higher than “VOLUME 30,” the
unit automatically changes the volume level to
“VOLUME 30.”
Detaching the control panel
Attaching the control panel
– iPod nano *
– iPod video (a cincea generaţie) *
La conectarea iPod-ului nano la adaptorul de interfaţă,
asiguraţi-vă că aţi deconectat căştile; în caz contrar,
aparatul nu va emite niciun sunet.
Nu este posibilă accesarea şierelor video din meniul
„Video” atâta timp cât iPod-ul este conectat la
adaptorul de interfaţă.
• Dacă iPod-ul nu realizează redarea corect, actualizaţi
software-ul iPod cu cea mai nouă versiune. Pentru detalii
cu privire la actualizarea iPod.ului, vizitaţi <http://www.
• La pornirea acestui aparat, iPod-ul este alimentat prin
intermediul acestui aparat.
• Cât timp iPod-ul este conectat, toate operaţiunile
iPod-ului sunt dezactivate. Efectuaţi toate operaţiile prin
intermediul acestui aparat.
• Este posibil ca informaţia în format text să nu e aşată
• Dacă informaţia în format text conţine mai mult de 11
caractere, aceasta se va derula pe aşaj. Pe aşajul acestui
aparat pot apărea până la 40 de caractere.
La utilizarea unui iPod, unele operaţii pot să nu e
efectuate corect sau în condiţiile dorite. În acest caz,
vizitaţi următorul site JVC: <http://www.jvc.co.jp/
Alocarea denumirii
• Dacă încercaţi să alocaţi denumiri pentru mai mult de 30
posturi radio, va aşat mesajul „NAME FULL”. Ştergeţi
denumirile inutile înainte de a aloca altele.
Setări generale—PSM
• Setarea „AUTO” pentru atenuatorul intensităţii luminoase
(„DIMMER”) poate funcţiona necorespunzător în cazul
unor vehicule, mai cu seamă al celor prevăzute cu buton
de scădere a intensităţii luminoase.
În acest caz, setaţi „DIMMER” la altă opţiune; nu setaţi la
• Dacă schimbaţi setarea „AMP GAIN” (Controlul amplicării)
de la „HIGH POWER” (Putere ridicată) la „LOW POWER”
(Putere scăzută) în timp ce volumul este setat la un nivel
mai ridicat decât treapta „VOLUME 30”, aparatul va aduce
automat volumul la nivelul „VOLUME 30”.
• Microsoft şi Windows Media sunt e mărci înregistrate
ca atare, e mărci aparţinând companiei Microsoft
Corporation din Statele Unite ale Americii şi/sau din alte
• Logotipul şi siglele Bluetooth sunt deţinute de Bluetooth
SIG, Inc. şi orice utilizare a mărcii de către compania Victor
Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) se face sub licenţă.
Alte mărci înregistrate şi denumiri comerciale aparţin
proprietarilor de drept.
• HD Radio™ şi sigla HD Radio Ready sunt mărci înregistrate
ce aparţin companiei iBiquity Digital Corp.
• „SIRIUS” şi sigla SIRIUS sunt mărci înregistrate ale SIRIUS
Satellite Radio Inc.
• XM şi siglele corespunzătoare sunt mărci înregistrate ale
XM Satellite Radio Inc.
• „SAT Radio,” sigla SAT Radio şi toate mărcile
corespunzătoare sunt mărci comerciale ale SIRIUS
Satellite Radio Inc. şi ale XM Satellite Radio, Inc.
• iPod este marcă înregistrată a Apple Inc., înregistrată în
S.U.A. şi în alte ţări.
Demontarea panoului de comandă
Montarea panoului de comandă
• Microsoft and Windows Media are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.
• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by
the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
by Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) is under
license. Other trademarks and trade names are those
of their respective owners.
• HD Radio ™ and the HD Radio Ready logo are
proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp.
• “SIRIUS” and the SIRIUS dog logo are registered
trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc.
• XM and its corresponding logos are registered
trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.
• “SAT Radio,” the SAT Radio logo and all related marks
are trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc., and XM
Satellite Radio, Inc.
• iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries.
– iPod nano *
– iPod video (5th Generation) *
When you connect the iPod nano to the interface
adapter, be sure to disconnect the headphones;
otherwise, no sound is heard.
It is not possible to browse video files on the
“Videos” menu while the iPod is connected to the
interface adapter.
• If the iPod does not play correctly, please update your
iPod software to the latest version. For details about
updating your iPod, visit <http://www.apple.com>.
• When you turn on this unit, the iPod is charged
through this unit.
• While the iPod is connected, all operations from the
iPod are disabled. Perform all operations from this
• The text information may not be displayed correctly.
• If the text information includes more than 11
characters, it scrolls on the display. This unit can
display up to 40 characters.
When operating an iPod, some operations may not
be performed correctly or as intended. In this case,
visit the following JVC web site: <http://www.jvc.
Title assignment
• If you try to assign titles to more than 30 station
frequencies, “NAME FULL” appears. Delete unwanted
titles before assignment.
General settings—PSM
• “AUTO” setting for “DIMMER” may not work correctly
on some vehicles, particularly on those having a
control dial for dimming.
In this case, change the “DIMMER” setting to any
other than “AUTO.”
• If you change the “AMP GAIN” setting from
“HIGH POWER” to “LOW POWER” while the
volume level is set higher than “VOLUME 30,” the
unit automatically changes the volume level to
“VOLUME 30.”
Detaching the control panel
Attaching the control panel