The satellite receiver has been preprogrammed in
the factory.
The predefined programs are all listed on pages 6
to 9 (German)!
More and more new programs are continually be-
ing transmitted via the satellites. To program-in
these new programs you can obtain the necessary
receiving parameters from current satellite maga-
zines. If you already have a TV satellite receiver
you can also call up the satellite transponder as-
signments (satellite channels) via the program
"SAT 1" videotext from page 516.
Programming radio programs
The setting of new programs is carried out:
− manually only for analog radio programs.
− manually or via search for digital radio pro-
grams (ADR and DMX)
With manual programming of radio programs the
following program parameters are to be set up:
• Satellite receiving frequency
• Polarization
• Orbit position
• Video deviation
• Oscillator
• Audio mode
• Audio frequency
• Audio de-emphasis (for analog progr. only)
• Program names (for analog progr. only)
Call the setup menu
(example for analog radio program)
in succession
Display readout:
→ [OK]
Press ok
The first menu entry appears in LCD display:
Display readout: SAT-FREQUENCY
11214 MHz
Activation of first menu entry
with ok
Display readout: SAT-FREQUENCY
< 11214 MHz >
The setting can now be made.
Input of the new satellite frequency
with the numeric keys 0...9
or the keys
When setting further program parameters the fol-
lowing applies:
Step on to further menu entries with the keys
⇒ Activate the menus with ok
⇒ Setting of parameters with
or with
the numeric keys for frequency inputs.
Explanation of the individual menu entries:
Satellite frequency:
• The frequency value is entered using the nu-
meric keys as a 5-digit number in the range
10700 to 12747 MHz
• You can carry out an optimization of the re-
ceiving frequency using the
• The satellites beam down their programs with
varying polarization.
• Set up the required polarity as either V or H.
Here vertical corresponds to V = 14 V and hori-
zontal to H=18 V LNB supply voltage.
• The additional setting possibilities "High" and
"Low" are intended for future control possibili-
ties in conjunction with "DiSEqC"-matrices. In
this case a different setting is chosen for the
initial setting in the "DiSEqC" menu.
• For standard receiving equipment you do not
need to pay any attention to High and Low.
Orbit position
If you have a multifeed receiving installation for re-
ception of several satellites e.g. Astra and Eutelsat,
assign each satellite to an orbit position, e.g. Astra
"orbit position 1" and Eutelsat "orbit position 2".
Take into account preprogrammiing in the initial
setup menu
Set the video deviation to 16 MHz for reception of
Astra programs and to 25 MHz for reception of
Eutelsat programs.