
TThhrreeaaddeedd--ttiipp sshhaannkkss::
Threaded-tip shanks are
used for felt polishing wheels. Shanks with a long
threaded tip are used for pointed polishing wheels
while shanks with short threaded tips are used for
round felt polishing wheels. To install a felt polish-
ing wheel, simply screw it onto the threaded
SSccrreeww sshhaannkkss::
Screw shanks are used for
mounting cutting wheels.
SSaannddiinngg bbaanndd sshhaannkkss::
Sanding band shanks
feature an expanding core that hold disposable
bands securely. To contract the core to remove or
install a band, loosen the screw. Tightening the
screw expands the core.
Voltage 120V 60 Hz
Rated Current 1 A
No Load Speed 8000-33000 RPM
Alltrade offers a full range of Kawasaki™ tools that make DIY jobs easy. If you would
like further information on the following products, please contact Alltrade Customer
Service Department at 1-800-590-3723.
Cordless Drills/Screwdrivers
Impact Wrenches
Circular Saws
FFaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww aallll tthhee wwaarrnniinnggss ffoorr uussiinngg aattttaacchhmmeennttss
lliisstteedd iinn tthhee ffrroonntt ooff tthhiiss mmaannuuaall ccoouulldd cca
auussee tthhee ccuuttttiinngg wwhheeeell ttoo ffrraaggmmeenntt,,
ccaauussiinngg sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy..
GGrriinnddiinngg ssttoonneess::
Use these stones
for smoothing hard materials such as
wood, plastic, and metal. Be sure not
to allow the work piece to overheat
as this can cause charring (wood),
melting (plastic), or discoloration
(metal). Aluminum oxide (red) acces-
sories are best for wood, metals, and
plastics, while silicon carbide (blue)
accessories are best for very hard
surfaces such as glass.
CCuuttttiinngg bbiittss::
Use cutting bits for shaping various
materials. The smallest cutting bits are suitable for
use in engraving.
shhiinngg wwhheeeellss::
These accessories are useful for
removing tarnish and weathering on metal and for pol-
ishing plastics. They require a special shank with a screw
tip. To prepare a polishing wheel, screw the felt onto the
shank tip. Reverse to remove. Polishing grease can be
used in small quantities to aid in polishing metal. Lower
speeds are best for these accessories.
RRoouutteerr bbiittss::
An assortment of router
bits is available for purchase from your
hardware or home center retailer. These
accessories carve patterns in wood and
plastic that can be used for ornamental
purposes or for joining (such as when
cutting a dado).
Collets of various sizes are used to accommo-
date accessories with different-sized shanks. Refer to the
section on Collet Sizes for instructions on changing the
Angle Grinders
Reciprocating Saws
Rotary Tools
Corded and Cordless Multi-Purpose Tools
Wide Range of Accessories and more