Throttle Lever, Cable and Case
Disassemble the throttle case.
Remove the circlip [A], flat washers [B], pin [C], throttle
lever [D] and return spring [E] from the case [F].
Throttle Case Assembly/Installation
Insert the end of the return spring [A] in the throttle lever
hole [B] and set the spring in the throttle case [C] as
Install the control lever to the case.
Lubricate the throttle cable before assembly/installation.
Apply water resistant grease to the tips of the throttle ca-
ble end.
Pulling the throttle cable [A], position the tips [B] of the
cable end as shown.
Tighten the cable fitting nut.
Be sure the rubber cap [A] is in place on the throttle cable
fitting nut end.
Cover the cable fitting nut [B] with the rubber boot [C].