10-5508 Rev A Service Department (800) 888-700911
Take the single to double adapter and turn it so that the two top prongs are pointing to the
left hand side of the box. The bent portion with these two prongs should be over the fuse.
Replace the connector with the single to double adapter in L1.
single to double adapter
Reconnect the connector that was removed from L1 onto either of the prongs atop the
single to double adapter.
Next, pull the two wires that lead to the valve on your right back to the hole in the box.
This prevents crossing the left and right side wires.
pull right side wires to grommet
Take the two wires from the valve on your left, and attach one to the second prong on top
of the adapter, and the other to V1 on the circuit board.
attach wires to board
On the right hand side of the circuit board, attach one of the wires leading to the second
valve directly to the circuit board in L1, and attach the other wire to V1.