Troubleshooting Guide
Disc source
? “AVin” is displayed without achieving External disc control mode.
fl O-N switch is set to “0” srde.
= Set the switch to “N” side
/ Unsupported disc changer IS connected
w Connect the supported drsc changer. (page 4)
? The specified disc does not play, but another one plays instead.
The specrfied CD IS quote drrty.
03 Clean the CD.
The CD IS upside-down
03~ Load the CD with the labeled side up
The drsc IS loaded rn a different slot from that specrfred
*ir Eject the disc magazine and check the number for the specrfted
The drsc IS severely scratched.
m Try another drsc Instead
? The specified track will not play.
/ Random play or magazine random play has been selected
~31 Turn off random play or magazine random play
? Track repeat, disc repeat, track scan, random play, and magazine
random play start by themselves.
ti The settrng is not canceled
rqr The settings for these functions remain on untrl the setting to off
or the drsc ejected, even rf the power IS turned off or the source
? Cannot play CD-R or CD-RW.
/ Flnalrzatlon processrng IS not being conducted for CD-R/CD-RW
11’ Conduct frnaliratron processcng with CD recorder
/ A non-compatible CD changer IS being used to play the CD-R/CD-
01’ Use a CD chanaer comoatrble wrth CD-R/CD-RW to olav
? A CD ejects as soon as it is loaded.
/ The CD IS upside-down
~3% Load the CD with the labeled side up
(/ The CD IS quite dirty
ch Clean the CD, referrrng to the sectIon on <CD cleaning> (page 61
? Can’t remove disc.
(/ The cause is that more than 10 minutes has elapsed since the vehicle
ACC switch was turned OFF.
m The drsc can only be removed wrthrn 10 minutes of the ACC
switch being turned OFF If more than 10 minutes has elapsed,
turn the ACC swatch ON agarn and press the Eject button.
? The disc won’t insert.
(/ There’s already another disc inserted
w Press the [&.I button and remove the disc
? Track Search can’t be done.
(/ For the albums first or last song.
~0 For each album, Track Search can’t be done in the backward
drrection for the frrst song or rn the forward drrectron for the last
If the following situations, consult your nearest service
Even though the disc changer IS connected, the DISC Changer source 1s
not ON, with “AVrn” showrng rn the display during the Changer Mode.
Even though no device (KCA-S210A. CA-CIAX, KDC-CPS87, KDC-CX87,
KDC-CPS85, KDC-CX85, KDC-CPS82 or KDC-CX82) is connected, the
Auxrlrary Input IS entered when swrtchrng modes
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