3-3-2. CW mode
Set MODE keys to CW and set the Meter switch toALC.
(b) Full-automatic break-in
Depressing the CW key will automatically place the
transceiver into the transmit mode. Releasing the
CW key will return the radio to receive immediately
enabling reception between characters.
The TL-922A/922 linear amplifer is not designed
for full break-in type operation. Attempting to use
this accessory in the FULL break-in mode cause
damage to occur to the linear amplifier.
Placing the Standby switch to send and depressing the
CW key will cause the radio to transmit.
Transmission is also possible when in the SEMI or FULL
break-in mode by simply depressing the key, with the
Standby switch in the REC position.
Adjust the CAR control until the meter deflection is
within the ALC zone.
On occasion an electronic keyer may be used that
has no method of producing a continuous trans-
mit condition. In order to obtain a continuous car-
rier for tuning simply place the Standby switch to
the SEND position.
3-3-3. FM mode
Select the desired frequency within the 28 MHz
amateur radio band. Place the MODE key to FM and
the Meter switch to ALC.
ALC zone
Press the microphone PTT switch or place the Stand.
by switch to SEND.
Adjust the CAR control until the meter deflection is
within the ALC zone. This will provide full pqwer in the
FM mode.
.SEMI and FULL break-in
Two break-in methods are provided with the TS-440Stransceiver,
SEMI and FULL break-in. With either break-
in operation depressing the CW key will cause the ra-
dio to transmit without the need for manually switch-
ing the SEND/REC switch. The difference between
FULL and SEMI break-in is that during FULL break-in
operation it is possible to listen between dots and dash-
es, and that during SEMI break-in it is not.
With either SEMI or FULL break-in operation, cross
band/cross mode operation is not possible. Addition-
ally, when you are using FULL break-in operation you
should not work cross band splits, only in the same
To decrease the power, place the Meter switch to PWR
and while observing the meter rotate the CAR control
counterclockwise until the desired output level is ob-
The T5-4405 also provides a side-tone oscillator cIr-
cuit to allow monitoring of your CW signal during trans-
1 3 b I ~ LU 4U IjU
s I / / / / /dB
~ lUW
(a) Semi-automatic break-in
Depressing the CW key will automatically place the
transceiver into the transmit mode. Transmit mode
will be maintained for a period determined by the
setting of the VOX DELAY control on the rear panel
of the transceiver, even after the CW key is
ALl.; zone
1. The FM power output may fluctuate if running less
than full output.
2. Ensure that an antenna with a low 5WR is used.
The T5-4405 provides several protection circuits,
continually loading into an antenna with a high 5WR
(3 to 1 or greater) will eventually cause damage to
the final amplifiers.
3. The PWR meter reading may not be accurate with
high SWR values. Use a good antenna for the most
accurate readings.