Chimney Extension Kit (Optional) Installation
IMPORTANT: For this installation, you will need Chimney
Extension Kit Part Number 8212698 (Black), Part Number
8212696 (Stainless Steel) or Part Number 8212697 (White).
1. Remove chimney extension cover (if factory assembled).
2. Position the chimney extension over the chimney support so
that the outside edges and the electrical holes line up.
3. Attach the extension to the support using the 4 bolts supplied
with the extension kit. Tighten bolts securely.
Complete Chimney Support Installation
1. Remove wiring box cover located on the top section of the
chimney support.
2. Install a UL or CSA listed strain relief in the wiring box so that
the screws can be tightened after the chimney support is
attached to the ceiling.
3. Lift chimney support into its final position, feeding electrical
wire through the strain relief.
4. Position the chimney support so that the large end of the
keyhole slots are over the ceiling attachment bolts. Then
push the chimney support so that the bolts are in the neck of
the slots. Tighten bolts securely.
IMPORTANT: The chimney support must be securely
attached to the ceiling.
5. Determine the desired length of the chimney support.
6. Remove the four screws and adjust the length of the lower
chimney support as needed.
NOTE: This is the only section that can be adjusted.
7. Replace the four screws and tighten securely.
Make Electrical Connection
1. Disconnect power.
2. Remove terminal box cover.
3. Remove the knockout in the terminal box cover and install a
UL listed or CSA approved ¹⁄₂"strain relief.
4. Run 3 wires, black, white and green, in ¹⁄₂" conduit from
service panel to terminal box. Use caulking to seal openings.
A. Chimney extension frame
B. Chimney support
C. Bolt
D. Captive threaded insert
A. Screws
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all parts and panels before operating.
Failure to do so can result in death or electrical shock.