Assembling the Burners
Check your model number. Then refer to the following for information specific to your burners.
Standard and Dual Flame Burners
■ Burner caps and spreaders are included with your cooktop.
■ Always match the burner spreader size to the cap size.
■ Always line up the hole in the spreader to the electrode.
■ The cooktop comes with an extra Melt cap. This is a large cap with
“MELT” and “FOR SMALLEST BURNER” printed on it. Use this cap
over the small burners, position C on KGCS3 series models and
position A on KCGS5 series and KCGS9 series models
■ Standard and dual flame burners are similar in assembly. Note that
there is no hole in the dual flame burner spreader to insert the
electrode. The stacked burner electrode (C) aligns with the
semicircle notch in the spreader (B).
Dual Tier Ultra and Even-Heat™ Torch Burners
■ Install the outer and inner caps on the dual tier ultra burner.
■ Install the outer spreader, inner spreader, and inner cap on the
Even-Heat™ burner.
IMPORTANT: Align the notches in the inner spreader with the tabs
on the Even-Heat™ burner.
■ The cooktop comes with 2 small burner caps, one for the dual tier
ultra burner and one for the Even-Heat™ torch burner. Note the
differences in the small burner caps:
- the small dual tier ultra burner cap is thin and hollow.
- the small Even-Heat™ torch burner cap is thick and solid.
A.Standard burner
B.Dual flame burner
C.Standard burner
(Even-Heat™ simmer)
D.Standard burner
E.Standard burner
A.Standard burner
(Even-Heat™ simmer)
B.Dual tier ultra burner
C.Standard burner
D.Standard burner
E.Standard burner
A.Standard burner
(Even-Heat™ simmer)
B.Dual tier ultra burner
C.Standard burner
D.Even-Heat™ torch burner
E.Standard burner
Standard Burner
Dual Flame Burner
Dual Tier Ultra Burner
A.Inner cap
B.Outer cap
Even-Heat™ Burner
A.Inner cap
B.Inner spreader
C.Outer spreader
Inner Spreader
A.Inner spreader
B.Burner tabs
A. Small dual tier ultra burner cap
(center burner)
B.Small Even-Heat™ torch
burner cap (right front burner)